Top 10 Tips For Living More Sustainably

Darri Stephens
April 5, 2022

1. Reuse Food Scraps

Make an exfoliating body scrub by mixing used coffee grounds with water


2. Go paperless

Utilize cloud storage, scanners, note-taking apps, and digital receipts


3. Spend less, propagate more

Collect seeds and learn to turn cuttings into your own garden


4. Eat less meat

Participate in MeatlessMonday


5. Conserve water

Turn off the water while brushing your teeth


6. Avoid disposable and single-use items

Bring your own reusable bag to the grocery store


7. Composting

Compost not only food scraps, but also wooden skewers, paper napkins, and paper bags


8. Unplug what isn't being used

Don't leave your charges plugged in without a phone attached


9. Wash your laundry on cold

Save energy and prolong the life of your clothes


10. Go car-free

Bike or walk

1. "10 ways college students can live more sustainability". Conkling, Anna. The Years Project. February 1st, 2022.
2. "52 WAYS TO INVEST IN OUR PLANET". Earth Day Org.
3. "15 Earth Day Tips to Support the Environment & Stop Climate Change". Eilers, Christian. Goodwall Blog. April 19, 2020.